Author Archives: M C
VIDEO: Revelation #1 – Prosecution Witness Sheila Singson
Give Up Tomorrow: Revelation #1 – Prosecution Witness Sheila Singson from Thoughtful Robot on Vimeo.
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Video: Marty Speaks to Rappler in the Philippines
Breaking Glass: ‘Give Up Tomorrow’
Posted on 10/26/2012 9:58 AM | Updated 10/26/2012 10:16 AM
MANILA, Philippines – Filmmaker Marty Syjuco spent 7 years of his life doing the film “Give Up Tomorrow”, a documentary on the rape-slay of the Chiong sisters Marijoy and Jacqueline, and the 7 men who went to jail for the crime.
Syjuco tells Breaking Glass Jay Buenaflor about the international courts that looked into the case and said it was a travesty of justice and the Supreme Court decision that upheld and raised the penalty to death. He tells us about his team’s own investigation that led them to believe without a doubt that Paco Larranga is innocent of the crime he is accused of. –
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Write to Paco in Prison in Spain
We’ve received many requests from people hoping to contact Paco. He would love to hear from you. He get lonely at times in Spain and would get a great deal of strength knowing that people all over the world are thinking of him.
You can write to him at the prison in Spain here:
Francisco Juan Larrañaga
Centro Penitenciario de Preventivos de San Sebastian
Paseo de Martutene n. 1
20014 Donostia-San Sebastian
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“Character & Story” before “Issue” for Amnesty International
In Washington D.C., Brian Evans of Amnesty International Death Penalty Abolition Campaign speaks with co-producer Patty Kim and director Michael Collins after a screening of Give Up Tomorrow. Amnesty co-presented the film at the Reel Independent Film Extravaganza in October 2012 in recognition of the World Day Against Death Penalty.
Brian explains that what attracted him to Give Up Tomorrow initially at the Good Pitch was “character and story” before the “issues”. “To me it’s much more compelling because it is not a film about human rights, it’s a film about people dealing with a human rights situation.”
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