Author Archives: M C

World Day Against Death Penalty Screenings with Amnesty International and Other News

Opening Film at the Murder by Numbers Film Festival Oct 5

Opening Film at the Murder by Numbers Film Festival: The Many Faces of the Death Penalty
Organized by TAEDP – Taiwan Alliance to End the Death Penalty

Oct 5, 1pm (producer Marty Syjuco in attendance)
Oct 7, 1pm (producer Marty Syjuco in attendance)
Oct 26, 2pm

Michael & Marty Video: POV Engagement Strategy discussion

Streamed live on Oct 1, 2013

Documentary Engagement Strategy Best Practices and Trends

Jennifer MacArthur, Co-Founder at Impact Producers Group and Borderline Media.
Filmmakers Michael Collins and Marty Syjuco of Give Up Tomorrow.

Deleted Scene/Animation: A Cry for Help

GIVE UP TOMORROW opening Integrity Film Festival

The Integrity Initiative and Dakila, the Philipine Collective for Modern Heroism, are launching the Integrity Film Festival on Monday! The Integrity Film Festival features films with anti-corruption themes. We are happy to announce that GIVE UP TOMORROW will be opening the festival.

GIVE UP TOMORROW will be screened on September 9, 2013, 6 PM, at Greenbelt My Cinema.

The Integrity Film Festival runs every Monday of September.

For information:

Newsletter – Event Screenings on Sep 5

Special Screening for 100 yr anniversary of Peace Palace, The Hague

Sept 5, 8pm, Peace Palace, The Hague
Special Screening during the 100 year anniversary celebrations of the Peace Palace in The Hague

The central theme for Sept 5 is “Justice Reporting.”  A special screening of GIVE UP TOMORROW will be held in the historical gardens of the Peace Palace, organized by the Movies that Matter Film Festival.  The screening will be hosted by journalist Heike Lien Verrijn Stuart who will lead a post screening debate with the public on law, justice and media.

Innocence Project Philippine Screening at UP Film Institute

September 5 at 6pm

Campus screening at the University of the Philippines
– Join the post screening Q&A discussion with special guests: Atty Sandy Coronel (Paco’s lawyer) and Dr. Cora de Ungria (Innocence Project Philippine Network)
– Proceeds will benefit the Innocence Project Philippines Network – a network of law school clinics, scientific and academic laboratories and non-governmental organizations, that seeks to make justice accessible for wrongfully convicted persons.

MORE Czech Republic Screening Tour Date

Promítej i ty!

Czech Republic Screening Tour:
August 26, September 7, 14, and 23

GMA on Emmy nomination and the producer’s protest at board of pardons and parole