Raymond Garcia was one of many people who was with Paco on the night the Chiong sisters went missing. He, and all the witnesses, risked everything by speaking the truth. As a lawyer himself now, he explains why the stakes were so high.

After rounding up a dozen people and openly paying them \\\\\\\"reward\\\\\\\" money, the prosecution tried to get their stories straight. The first lawyer to interview them was NOT convinced at all. One of the witnesses tells the first-hand account of how many of them wanted to retract their statements but were convinced to stay by Atty Miro.

Where was Paco on the day the Chiong sisters went missing? He has more than 40 witnesses that place him in Manila, on a separate island, nearly 400 miles away from the crime in Cebu.

Willard Redobles was working security at the mall entrance where the Chiong sisters were allegedly kidnapped. He originally told the police that he saw NOTHING suspicious that night, until several months later when the prosecution started publicly offering reward money. Lead prosecutor Galanida says it was not the money that suddenly motivated Willard, but that he was visited by the ghosts of the Chiong sisters.

This exclusive interview is further proof that Paco Larrañaga and 6 young men were framed by the Police in Cebu for kidnapping the Chiong Sisters in 1997. The police made her sign an affidavit saying she witnesses the crime when she claims she saw NOTHING! Join the fight to Free Paco Now! http://freepaconow.com/

On September 15, 1997, Paco Larrañaga was illegally arrested at his cooking school in Manila. That day began the ongoing nightmare of his wrongful imprisonment. This scene from the award-winning documentary GIVE UP TOMORROW combines interviews with animation to depicts his arrest.